Coping for Patients

Fighting Anxiety & Depression on Your GIST Journey

A cancer diagnosis has a significant impact on patients, caregivers and their families. It is normal for someone diagnosed with GIST to feel a whole host of emotions ranging from anger to fear, sadness and anxiety about the future.

By |2022-01-05T12:34:25-05:00February 28th, 2020|Coping with GIST, Newsletter, Survival Strategies|

Finding a Ride to Your Doctor’s Appointments

Over 3.6 million people miss their medical appointments each year, preventing them from getting the care that they need or getting access to the medicine that could help them. People report that distance to the doctor’s office, cost of the transportation, and access to a driver or public transportation as the main reasons that they are having a challenge with transport.

By |2019-10-30T09:40:26-04:00October 29th, 2019|News, Newsletter, Patient Support|

A Lively Liver: Monitoring Liver Health with GIST

The liver, located under the right rib cage, is the body’s largest internal organ and acts as a factory, regulating digestion, blood content, nutrient production and storage. The liver processes all that funnels through [...]

By |2022-01-05T13:26:01-05:00February 13th, 2019|GIST Education, News, Nutrition|

Sharing Health Conditions with Your Employer

Sharing health conditions with your employer can be a difficult yet important decision you may have to make. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with a serious health condition recently or you may always have had [...]

By |2019-07-03T11:18:46-04:00October 11th, 2018|Coping with GIST, Newly Diagnosed, News, Patient Support|

10 Things That Happen When You’re Diagnosed With Cancer

Cancer. We all know someone who has it or we know someone who knows someone who has it. Either way, it’s a subject that is kind of taboo. Firstly, the majority of the population think when they first hear the big C-word is that you’re going to be bald, you only get cancer when you’re old and you probably (hopefully not) will die.

By |2022-01-05T10:32:53-05:00June 10th, 2016|Coping with GIST, Member Stories, Newsletter, Side Effects|

Nutrition – Absorbing Nutrients After Surgery

The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to feed the entire body by converting food into energy and basic nutrients. Food is ingested through the mouth; passed through the esophagus into the stomach; and filtered through the small intestine, pancreas and liver. Based on its particular function, each organ contributes in different ways to turn the food we eat into the nutrients we need.

By |2022-01-05T13:18:01-05:00April 8th, 2016|Coping with GIST, Integrative Medicine, Newsletter, Nutrition|
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