G.E.M. – Give Every Month Program

GEMs BannerCOVID-19 has impacted our world in ways we would could not have imagined. Financially, physically, and mentally, our global community is struggling. It is our desire to continue to provide our LRG community with the services, resources, hands-on commitment to patients & caregivers, and the innovative research collaborations that we know impact patient survival and the progress of GIST research.

We are grateful for your support and ask that you consider a new way to support the LRG’s efforts. The needs of GIST patients and the work of the LRG cannot stop during hard times.

The LRG has created a program named Give Every Month (GEM). This regular system of giving, whether it is $10, $20, or $30 or more a month, will assure a consistent and steady stream of support to GIST patients and their families.

Become a GEM today!

When you become a GEM, you will receive recognition on the LRG website and be highlighted in our Newsletter. With each level you will receive a complimentary GEM recognition item. Below are the GEM levels. Every GEM will be recognized at our various educational events, GDOLS, Life Fest and webcasts.

The levels of giving for the monthly GEM program are:

Opal Level GEM$10/month – LRG #GISTHope Face Mask

Ruby Level GEM$25/month – LRG #GISTHope Face Mask, Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Sapphire Level GEM$50/month – LRG #GISTHope Face Mask, White Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds With Charging Case

Emerald Level GEM$100/month – LRG #GISTHope Face Mask, Wireless Charging Pad

Diamond Level GEM$250/month – LRG #GISTHope Face Mask, Stainless Steel Water Bottle, White Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds with Charging Case, Wireless Charging Pad

If you would like to discuss the GEM program or have questions, please contact Diana Nieves – dnieves@liferaftgroup.org