About Bella

At just seven years old, Bella Rocco was undergoing surgery after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer—pediatric GIST. While GIST is considered a rare cancer, pediatric cases are even rarer with very limited treatment options. Despite having a successful first surgery, Bella experienced recurrences of her disease several years later.

The Life Raft Group and Patients

The Life Raft Group recently celebrated its 15 year anniversary and during that time we have worked tirelessly to improve patients’ lives. Through our education, support and research efforts, we have been able to provide the Rocco family with information and guidance on clinical trials and available treatments that that have helped to save Bella’s life. We have and will continue to be there for her and patients like her through our projects and educational initiatives.

How you can help

Today, Bella is thriving. She is playing field hockey, checking out colleges and traveling to Europe during her school breaks.

We need your help so we can continue to support Bella and patients like her.

Please help to save the lives of others living with GIST.