What does Celebrating Christmas means to me?

Life, hope, gratitude, a GIFT!!!

After seven hard years living with a wrong diagnosis, in 2002 we found out that what I really had was a GIST – a rare cancer for which there was a new drug that might work. “The magic bullet,” it was called.

Twelve years ago, I was able to start my treatment with Gleevec. This meant for me 12 years of life:

12 years during which I have been able to see my sons and daughters grow, develop professionally, get married and give me 7 marvelous grandchildren. 12 years that I have been able to work in order to help GIST patients; 12 years in which, as one of my sons said, “We have been able to look towards the future with different eyes, eyes of hope.” It has been 12 years celebrating Christmas and thanking God for the gift of life!

If you have a Cancerversary please contact info@liferaftgroup.org